Deep-dive: How to choose the right communications consultant

Phoebe Perelman

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Phoebe Perelman

Ever notice how some things look a whole lot clearer when someone else points them out? It’s like when you’ve been stuck on a jigsaw puzzle for hours, only for a friend to walk by and effortlessly place that tricky piece where it belongs. Suddenly, the picture comes together. That’s the magic of an outside perspective — it’s often the missing piece that pulls everything into focus.

The same goes for business communications. When you’re entrenched in your work, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. Routine and familiarity can sometimes be the very barriers that prevent us from seeing new possibilities or potential pitfalls. That’s where a communications consultant comes in, armed with fresh eyes and sharp insights, ready to turn your communication challenges into victories.

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What is a communications consultant?

Different industries have different needs, but one thing’s certain: Everyone can benefit from an outside, expert perspective.

So, what exactly does a communications consultant do? Think of them as your communication GPS — guiding you to your destination while helping you avoid the usual roadblocks. Whether you’re rebranding, managing organizational change, or simply trying to sharpen your message, working with a communication consultant offers many benefits:

1. A strategic ally

A communications consultant doesn’t just offer advice; they become a strategic partner in your success. They’re not there to be a cheerleader, either. They ask the hard questions, aren’t afraid to offer alternative opinions, and always keep it real.

2. Tailored solutions

Unlike generic solutions that often miss the mark, a communication consultant tailors their approach to fit your unique challenges. For example, we often have clients request a specific service, only for us to realize that’s not the service they actually need.

3. Actionable insights

While internal teams may be too close to the problem to see it clearly, an outsider can flag issues that might otherwise go unnoticed. Their unbiased perspective can lead to actionable insights that drive real change.

When the stakes are high, why go it alone?

Executive communication black button

What is a communications consulting firm?

If a communications consultant is like a trusty GPS, then a communications consulting firm or agency is the entire satellite network. When you work with an agency (like Duarte, for example) you’re not just getting one expert — you’re tapping into a team of seasoned pros, each with their own communication superpowers and know-how. The beauty of working with an agency is that you’re leveraging a wealth of experience and a range of perspectives.

At Duarte, we’ve seen and done it all, and our track record speaks for itself.

Consider how we partnered with a C-suite leader at HubSpot to develop their keynote speech at INBOUND 2022. Although this leader was more than capable of writing their own content, our writers and designers infused a new sense of creativity and clarity that the client could not have achieved alone. This highly iterative, collaborative process resulted in a keynote so successful that fellow executives demanded the opportunity to partner with Duarte for the next INBOUND event.

Internal communications consultants vs marketing communications consultants

The right communication consultant can handle both internal and external communications. After all, communication isn’t just about reaching the outside world; it’s about ensuring everyone inside your organization is also on the same page, too.

Effective internal communications is the backbone of a cohesive organization. It creates a culture where employees are not only informed but motivated and empowered to contribute to the company’s success. Internal communications consultants can help change management initiatives sweep across an organization with ease and little friction. They can also ensure your next sales kickoff (SKO) hits the mark and reenergizes your sales force to hit revenue.

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On the other side, a marketing communications consultant can help with your external communications. Think sales enablement decks, pitch decks, or a branded deck for clients and customers to see day in, and day out.

At Duarte, we don’t just help you tell your story to the world — we help you share it internally, too. Take our work with Salesforce, for instance. We developed an internal walking deck to educate internal stakeholders about the Nature Positive Movement and inspire them to champion the cause. This internal alignment has been a key driver of Salesforce’s ongoing leadership in the Nature Positive space. This is a great example of being both an internal communications consultant and a marketing communications consultant with positive outcomes.

The measurable impact of effective communication

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Is hiring a communications consultant worth the cost? Of course, that depends on the quality of the consultant you choose. However, rest assured that investing in communication consulting isn’t just about improving your message — it’s about driving measurable results. The right communication strategy can mean:

Improved sales

Did you know that effective communication can increase sales by 20% and deliver 47% higher returns to shareholders?

When Veeam needed to grow enterprise sales, they turned to Duarte. Partnering with Veeam’s revenue acceleration team, we crafted powerful messages and impactful slides to help their reps deliver highly persuasive pitches to enterprise buyers. The result? A targeted pitch focused on business outcomes instead of product features, and a measurable increase in sales.

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Brand differentiation

In today’s saturated market, standing out is more challenging than ever. This means that effective communication is more important than ever. Why? Because your brand’s voice is what sets you apart from the competition, and a communication consultant ensures that voice is heard loud and clear. Whether you’re an established brand or a new player in the field, how you communicate your value proposition can make or break your success.

Unlearn.AI is a great example of this. They needed to stand out in a crowded and skeptical market. The outcome? By partnering with Duarte, they were able to develop a powerful product story that they still use today to win over new customers, investors, and third-party regulatory organizations alike.

Employee engagement

Internal communication is directly linked to employee retention. Companies that prioritize clear, consistent, and inspiring internal communications see higher levels of employee satisfaction and productivity. Engaged employees are not only more productive but also more loyal, reducing turnover, and creating a more stable workforce. And when employees feel informed and valued, they are more likely to be advocates for your brand, both inside and outside the company.

Cloudflare case study

Embarking on a strategic communication journey

Partnering with a communications consultant or agency is more than just hiring an expert for a quick fix; it’s the beginning of a journey that can transform how your organization communicates, both internally and externally.

The impact of working with a communication consultant doesn’t end once a particular project or campaign is complete. Consultants often leave behind more than just a set of polished presentations or a revamped communication plan; they leave a legacy of improved practices, enhanced team capabilities, and shared language.

Consider it the difference between giving someone a fish and teaching them to fish. While the immediate benefits of a consultant’s work are undeniable, the true value lies in the lasting changes they help to instill — creating an organization that communicates with precision, confidence, and impact long after the consultant has moved on.

What are some of the top communication consulting firms?

Let’s be real: Not all communication consulting firms are created equal. Duarte has been in the game for decades, helping some of the world’s biggest and most innovative companies elevate their messaging and communication strategies.

Our portfolio is as diverse as it is impressive. We’ve helped:

Curious about more of our work? The list goes on.

Communication is more than just words; it’s the heartbeat of your brand and the bridge to your audience. In a world where clarity, persuasion, and connection can make or break your success, asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness — it’s a strategic move. Seeking an outside perspective allows you to see the full picture, uncover hidden opportunities, and avoid costly missteps.

The Duarte Method diagram - Story, Visuals, Delivery, Strategy, with Empathy at the center.

Ready to transform your communications?

Don’t leave your communications to chance. Partner with a firm that not only understands the power of a well-crafted message but also has the expertise to amplify your voice in ways you never thought possible. Because when it comes to communication, the stakes are too high to go at it alone.

If you’re ready to take your communications to the next level, Duarte is here to help. Whether you need a full-blown message strategy, a show-stopping keynote, or a sales deck refresh, we’ve got the expertise to make it happen. For an outside perspective and bespoke solutions, hire Duarte’s agency and our communications consultants will work with you to identify and overcome whatever communication challenges you face.

Or, if you want to help train your team to become better communicators, consider one of our best-selling workshops, like our change management communications training Illuminate™ or our public speaking training Captivate™. These workshops are designed to empower your team with the skills they need to craft and deliver compelling messages that drive results.

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